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STM32F303x - Hardware Resets

Posted on February 09, 2015 at 15:51What is the usual procedure for power-on reset for other chips besides the MCU? Is there a reset_out signal or method coming from the MCU that is recommended? Or is there a method for resetting all chips in a syst...

gbigden by Associate III
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USB CDC VCP stm32l0 problem

Posted on February 10, 2015 at 16:32Hi all,I'm developing a project on STM32L052C8 that use USB with VCP class (internal 48 MHz clock enabled)The board is right recognized from the PC with ST driver ''STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port'', and the t...

nicola2 by Associate II
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Semihosting in Eclipse or retargeting printf

Posted on June 03, 2014 at 09:43Hi,I am trying to debug some very simple code for STM32F0Discovery using Eclipse, ARM arm-none-eabi-gdb compiler and OpenOCD debuger.I could build and debug my cods and now I am trying to use printf to see some variab...

Discovery-WiFi and /ALRT signal

Posted on February 10, 2015 at 13:36The Murata manual describes the /ALRT signal that the Murata chip uses to indicate to the host that it has a message to send. Is this signal available on the Discovery-WiFi board? Can it be made available if not b...

hbarta2 by Associate III
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Rise time of SPI Signal

Posted on February 10, 2015 at 10:50Hi I am using STM32F103RBT6 @72MHZ I use SPI with DMA to stream data from memory to GPIO SPI Prescaler is 4 GPIO is configured as output push-pull and speed 50MHz The problem is that the data output rise and fal...

hossam by Associate II
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FAT mounting order

Posted on February 10, 2015 at 12:04Does anyone know if it matters what order you mount FAT volumes in? I'm using fatfs and I have 3 volumes, this code mounts fine:res = f_mount(&fatfs[SD],''0:'', 1);but if I redefine SD to 2, and useres = f_mount(&...

STM32f2xx SWD programmer problem

Posted on February 09, 2015 at 16:34 Hi at all,I would try to program a custom made board with STM32f205RCT7 micro onboard via SWD .I got an SWD connector with vdd,gnd,swdio,swclk,nrst.No pull up or pull down on swdio pin , 10k ohm pull up on nrst a...

andreima by Associate
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How to preset toggling timer outputs

Posted on February 09, 2015 at 15:06Hello to all, I use a TIM8 of a STM32F2xx to generate a quadrature signal. This works fine no problem with toggling mode. I send a sequence of pulses out of the OC-Outputs. (a speed ramp). When the sequence is ove...

andywild2 by Associate III
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