2015-03-26 09:21 PM
I have developed a stm32f207 board for my own application. I have interfaced a 14 bit grayscale camera using DCMI. I'm then transferring this image to the SRAM using DMA.
The SRAM being used is the same present on the stm32f220-g eval board. And I'm using ST's eval board library function for FSMC initialisation. Once the entire image (640 * 512) is in the SRAM, I transfer it to the PC and display it using MATLAB. The images look like this;2015-03-27 03:23 AM
Seem to be interleaving some large, but uniform, size chunks.
The image is quite large for a single DMA operation, so is suspect it's being done in multiples. Look at your camera data sheet, look at the settings it's using, look at how you're reading/storing the image, look at how you're uploading the image, look at how MATLAB is decoding the image. Speak to someone familiar with the camera and it's operation.