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STM32f415RG hits reset_handler (Mikroe MINI M4)

Posted on May 06, 2015 at 02:38hi everyone..I bought a MINI M4 from mikroelektronica and I decide to use KEIL 5.04 for the firmware, I ported a proyect from STM32F4DISCOVERY and it seems that it worked, i try the blinking led, push button to turn on...

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dracog71 by Associate II
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STM32f10x Usart polling problem

Posted on May 04, 2015 at 15:53 Hi, I have a problem with usart2 with my stm32f10x. I want to send data using polling and the TXE Flag does not SET and i don't know why. This is the init of the GPIO Ports. /** USART2 GPIO...

lattner by Associate II
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Fast center PWM for Space PWM / BLDC motor

Posted on May 05, 2015 at 19:19Could anybody give me a hint, which STM32 processor to choose, if I want to get highest possible resolution for centered PWM application (space vector PWM for BLDC motor driving)? Is this just the standard STM32F407? I...

flyer31 by Senior
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unable to debug using gdb and openocd

Posted on May 01, 2015 at 11:23Hello,I�m quit new to STs micro controllers and openocd. I want to use the STM32L152RE on a Nucleo board. I�ve installed the head version of openocd to get support for this board. I start openocd with following paramet...

torsten2 by Associate II
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STM32 Nucleo memory mapping

Posted on May 04, 2015 at 22:59Hi, I'm trying to understand the memory mapping used on the STM32 Nucleo series of boards. Specifically, I'm trying to understand how I can use SRAM vs Flash for program execution.  In short, i am trying to get my pr...

karthik2 by Associate II
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