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Posted on August 09, 2015 at 16:02Hi All, I'm working on custom board that inlcude stm32l152. I've notice that i can't receive external intterupt on UART3 while JTAG pod is disconnected , why so ? Please advice, Thanks in advance. #uart #jtag-clk
Posted on June 23, 2015 at 08:09Hi everyone, I'm trying to write code that  : 1) Enter STOP mode every falling of specific  EXTi pin. 2) Wake up every rising of this pin.This is my code :void EnterStopMode(void) { /* // ASSERT(false); // Code is not...
Posted on May 18, 2015 at 09:43Hi everyone, I'm working on custom board connecting STM32L152 to MX25L8006E (serial flash) using SPI driver. The SS is handle by me (software). I'm writing 24 bytes to some address and when i read from same address the...
Posted on May 03, 2015 at 16:46Hello, I'm working on custom board using STM32L152 chip. Vref is : 3.19V When i injuct to the analog pin 2.7 i read 4019 ,while 0 represent as 650. (It seemed like 650 is the gap ????) below my initialize ADC code :///...
Posted on April 16, 2015 at 10:00Hello, I'm working on a custom board STM32l152 that include LCD (1/4 duty & 1/3 bias) I just want to enable all signal ( 64  =  16 * 4Com ) in order to check the screen. somehow only 1 (of 4) raw is working.   this i...