2014-11-01 11:15 AM
Hi! i got the discovery board STM32F429I Disco (the one with the TFT LCD).
I'm using Ubuntu, and my own toolchain like this https://www.alexwhittemore.com/stm32f4discovery-on-ubuntu-command-line/ .Using St-link and gdb. I managed to run some of the examples, loading the .elf file to the board with gdb. Up to tat point all good, but the examples i'am using are for the STM32F429 board (the one without the screen). So I wanted to ry the mandelbrot example, i loaded it to the board but nothing happened. Next when i reconnected it to the computer the DEMO (the one that comes as default) was gone and now theres only a blank screen on the TFT LCD. I am kinda new using this boards, so my questions are: 1. �How can I get the demo to work again?2. �How do I setup the board to use it with the mandelbrot example from the STM32F429 board (the one without the screen, since it uses USART to display the mandelbrot fractal)?3. All that taking into consideration the fact that im using st-link and gdb. No other programs.Im not sure if what i'm asking makes complete sense, but any kind of advice in the right direction is greatly appreciated. I got the board for free an i'm itching to get it to work.Thanks. #stm32f429i2014-11-01 6:10 PM
Attached is an original firmware from the STM32F429I-DISCO, you'd want to erase and burn this to get back to an initial state. There may be other versions, so it's usually a good plan to save the original content.
________________ Attachments : stm32f429idisco_v1_0_0_rc2.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hztg&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQq%2FuQ_5Qq4JU4pDg9rHUWDhjas6xwN.eRhMubVSLMmVwe8&asPdf=false2015-05-17 3:20 PM
2015-05-17 3:23 PM
2015-05-17 3:28 PM
2015-05-17 4:26 PM
Hi! i got the discovery board STM32F429I Disco (the one with the TFT LCD).
I'm using Ubuntu, and my own toolchain like this https://www.alexwhittemore.com/stm32f4discovery-on-ubuntu-command-line/ .
Using St-link and gdb. I managed to run some of the examples, loading the .elf file to the board with gdb. Up to tat point all good, but the examples i'am using are for the STM32F429 board (the one without the screen). So I wanted to ry the mandelbrot example, i loaded it to the board but nothing happened. Next when i reconnected it to the computer the DEMO (the one that comes as default) was gone and now theres only a blank screen on the TFT LCD.
I am kinda new using this boards, so my questions are:
1. ¿How can I get the demo to work again?
2. ¿How do I setup the board to use it with the mandelbrot example from the STM32F429 board (the one without the screen, since it uses USART to display the mandelbrot fractal)?
3. All that taking into consideration the fact that im using st-link and gdb. No other programs.
Im not sure if what i'm asking makes complete sense, but any kind of advice in the right direction is greatly appreciated. I got the board for free an i'm itching to get it to work.
Please Top Post your responses, the forum also doesn't like portable devices like phone/tablets. The STM32F4-DISCO is the one without the screen. 1) You erase the board and write the .HEX/.BIN supplied in the prior response. Use the ST-LINK Utilities, or your equivalent. 2) You'd have to port the example from the STM32F4-DISCO to the STM32F429I-DISCO. Figure out if you want to start using a USART, and then find a graphics library or examples from the Standard Peripheral Library firmware pack for the STM32F429I-DISCO. 3) These aren't my tools of choice, you'll have to read the instructions for them. Or find a scratch Window box
2015-05-18 7:36 AM
I have Been trying to load the demo. Using the following command: st-flash write NameofDemo.hex 0x8000000... but it gives the following message: address to high error.
I have succesfully loaded several other binaries, but it looks like if the file size is more than 1 MB it gives me that error.
Anyone knows why?
I read something about the cmm memory and a ''no load'' line that you have to add in order for this to work. I'm a bit confused. Any input would be aprecciated. I'm using Ubuntu and st-link.
Sorry for the other posts, I was using a cell phone.2015-05-18 8:44 AM
You'll have to review your open sourced solution and it's proper support/settings for devices with 2MB of FLASH. Make sure you have current version, and what parts they support.
CCM memory is good for stacks, and as a heap for memory where DMA is not required.The NOLOAD/NOINIT type options is a way of conveying to the Linker that the memory does not need to be zero'd or have static definitions copied to it. I have posted to several other threads related to CCM, and it's use in GNU/GCC and Keil.