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Forum Posts

SPI Communication Issues

Posted on March 29, 2013 at 23:57I am using the stm32l151RB microcontroller. It is running on an external clock source at 14.7456 MHz. I am communicating with a Micron M25P16 serial flash memory. This device states that it is compatible with CPOL/CP...

IAR 7.4 missing STM32F070 Devices

Posted on July 08, 2015 at 16:02I'm using IAR 7.4 and I noticed that the STM32F070 is missing from the device list.IAR release notes shows that the devices are supported.Does anyone know how to work around it?

yuvalk by Associate II
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monitor RAM usage

Posted on July 08, 2015 at 02:48Hi, I'm using STM32L053 Nucleo, I have wrote some code for it to run, and I wish to do a RAM estimation to see RAM usage of current firmware. How to see the RAM usage? Regards #dynamic-memory-usage

cc1 by Associate
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Testing if USART works?

Posted on March 23, 2014 at 02:05Hi everyone, I'm a newbie with stm32f4Discovery kit, and I've just finished writing a code for implementing sending and receiving a character using USART, I'm using Keil uV5Here is my code which is an example found o...

Stand alone St-link V2 + STM32f4 Discovery Board

Posted on July 07, 2015 at 19:43Hello , Stand - alone st-link is not able to detect target IC ..... How can I flash STM32F4 Discovery board chip through stand-alone St-link V2 ? I have removed both jumpers of CN3 . I have made following connecti...

CubeMX STM32CubeF0 update

Posted on July 07, 2015 at 15:24Hi,I've just updated CudeMX to v4.8 and noticed that the latest version of STM32CubeF0 firmware package is 1.2.1, while in ST website there version 1.3.0 is available.I tried to install it manually with no successes.A...

yuvalk by Associate II
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Web server stm3220g-eval, webpage compile?

Posted on June 13, 2012 at 11:50Hi everyone.I used the demo project web server of ST, my board is 3220g-eval.And as I know, the webpage content is built by fsdata.c file.I want to ask how to convert or compile the webpage content to this file?I thin...

Integrated STM-LINK with Virtual com port support

Posted on July 06, 2015 at 08:14Hi all,I have a DISCOVERY board for F030 devices. I think it's name is STM32F0308-DISCO.What I'm trying to do is to use the integrated STM-LINK as an usb to serial dongle between the target MCU and the PC. I have foun...

raimond by Associate III
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