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Resolved! STM32L412: can't toggle PD2 on a custom board

Hello,   Am working on STM32L412RBT6. We made a custom PCB for our product and Am trying to PD2 as digital output as toggle function. I can't able to find any high output at PD2. The pin PD2 is always remains low. Please help me on this   

VasuManiV by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G4 boot image max size

Hi Guys, New in STM32 design. We are going to use STM32G4 MCU (specific P/N hasn't been selected yet).We want to use dual image boot (for upgrade option). I need to choose an external QSPI flash for that.What is the maximum image size for STM32G4? Th...

Shay by Associate II
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UART stops transmit after 20 minutes?

 I am using the STM32 G431RBT6 chip and UART 3 for data transmission. The transmission works normally, but after about 20-30 minutes, it suddenly stops completely. Here is the function I am using to send data:  bool SendByteUart3(uint8_t byte) {   HA...

CuongLee by Associate II
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Resolved! GPIO not working by baremetal programming

Greetings, I am trying to blink LED using baremetal programming. I am just starting bare metal programming. My LED on Nucleo - F070 board is not being turned ON. I checked register values on data sheet and user manual and it seems to be correct. RCC ...

jsoda.1 by Associate III
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How to connect two MIPI DSI LCDs to an STM32 microcontroller such that both displays receive identical data?

Bare Metal FDCAN on STM32G491

Hello,I am trying to implement the FDCAN in classic mode on the STM32G491 without the HAL. But I am havin trouble understanding how to configure and then use the CAN SRAM. I am not using the HAL nor CMSIS nor anyting else. Just the basic register def...

STM32H743VGT6 与RTL8211E-VB使用MII Full Duplex Only模式无法正常工作

您好:        我现在使用的RTL8211E-VB的PHY芯片,,PHY芯片的数据手册中明确表示了,ETH_TX_CLK信号是需要由单片机产生。如下图所示:     而STM32H743VGT6单片机在HAL_ETH_Init函数中会在下面这段代码中返回错误:  /* Wait for software reset */ while (READ_BIT(heth->Instance->DMAMR, ETH_DMAMR_SWR) > 0U) { if (((HAL_GetTi...
