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Forum Posts

SerialPort with registers

Hello, I am trying to do one simple task with my STM32 board using just registers and interruptions in USART2.Basically I have to wait until I receive data via serialPort, then activate interruption that should increment the value of my data by 1. Af...

summ98 by Associate
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STM32F4 Timer DMA requests

Hello Team,I am using the STM32F469NIH6 to implement a timer triggered DMA and I need some clarity on a few points here-I see that that there are three possible requests possible for a timer triggered DMA. I understand that the TIM8_UP is to trigger ...

Jansunil by Associate II
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Resolved! Program won't run after upload

I have designed my own PCB and I have the problem that while the code uploads successfully, it doesn't run.I have checked NRST and BOOT0 and both should not be the problem. I have found a similar issue where the chip didn't get a clock signal and the...

Qwyntex by Associate III
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Resolved! 'F3 COMPxMODE[1:0] discrepancy

So, which is correct and which is wrong?The same is in RM313 for 'F37x.Would those who wrote/modified AN4232 pay more attention to checking the facts through actually writing test cases, rather than applying the "modern feel and look", this must have...


Resolved! [STM32H750XBH6] Output current Question

Hello,I use STM32H750XBH6, DataSheet 'Absolute maximum ratings' say that 'Output current sunk by Px_C pins' is 1mAWhat does Px C mean? Does it mean all the pins of GPIOC?Or something else? Thanks!

Passerby by Associate III
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Problem receiving the data through UART using DMA

Hi, I am using STM32F407 board to communicate with a serial device. I have been using HAL_UART_Transmit() to send the data and using HAL_UART_Receive_DMA() to receive the data. Part of the code is shown below. After every receive command I am suppose...

FR_Invalid_Object error - STM32L4R5ZI Nucleo Board

I am currently trying to get an SD card working with SPI on an STM32L4R5ZI Nucleo board, using STM32CubeIDE V1.13.2 using the latest L4 embedded package. I currently have my code opening the card and even opening the file (I receive FR_OK for both, e...

JayDev by Senior II
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