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Forum Posts

STM32F3 NVIC Interrupt (while loop problem)

Posted on September 06, 2015 at 11:09 Hi everyone. Few days ago I realized that my NVIC priorities don't work. I'm tring to use three different interrupts by timer, exti and SysTick. I guess when EXTI or SysTick have highest priority then TIM...

STM32L4 QUAD-SPI clock

Posted on September 04, 2015 at 17:17Hi, Based on the STM32L4 datasheet the maximum QSPI clock is 48MHZ, but the clock used for the cube examples is 80MHZ. should I reduce the clock to 40MHZ? I'm using the Spansion S25FL127S memory in my custom boar...

Asantos by Senior
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Posted on August 24, 2015 at 11:15Hello, Can anybody help in order to setup the USART1 on this controller? I have a ST NUCLEO dev. board with this Microcontroller. I don't want to use the Cube generator. I want to use the stdperiph driver without ha...

ilias by Associate II
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PWM with Dithering (AN4507) firmware--where?

Posted on September 17, 2014 at 01:59Hello, all.  I am looking for the firmware examples for AN4507 (PWM resolution enhancement through dithering technique for STM32 advanced-configuration, general-purpose and lite timers). The document mentions STS...

stm32f7 video compression

Posted on September 07, 2015 at 11:40Good day,I have tried to use new discovery f7 board with camera.It works fine, for now I am writing uncompressed video to avi file in microsd card.I wanted to ask which codec to use for video compression, like xv...

hitsumen by Associate II
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Crystal LSE startup problem on STM32F103RD

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 09:23 Hello, We're using an STM32F103RD for one of our product and on which an extrenal crystal (768Khz) is connected on OSC32 In and ON (LSE). My problem is that this crystal only start to oscilla...