2015-09-15 7:47 AM
I have a basic breakpoint question. I am using Keil uVision5 with an ULINK-PRO. I have a project with Keil RTX RTOS. I set breakpoints at different places in my code and when the one of them triggered my generated PWM still run on my GPIOs.Is there anyway a breakpoint can halt also the configured timer or it will always be like that with the Cortex Debug module?Thank you,2015-09-15 10:12 AM
Look at the DBGMCU registers, specifically the DBGMCU_APBx_FZ APB freeze registers for TIM peripherals.
Jack Peacock2015-09-15 11:37 AM
It's important to understand that peripherals like TIM, ADC, DMA all occur autonomously of the core. Consider if there are better ways to manage and understand what your code is doing without jamming things up waiting for user interaction in the debugger.
2015-09-15 12:23 PM
Yes I knew that clive1.
In fact , in our case it is best those still run because they are driving a CCD sensor. I was asking to know if for some reason we need to stall everything how we could do it without stopping the debugging.Thank you both for your answer.