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Forum Posts

using speex library

Posted on August 04, 2015 at 08:36I used STM32F10x_AN2812_FW_V2.0.0 to have speex encoding /decoding on voice on my Discovery board. I used encoding functions and then decoding one and saved the data in .wav format using FATFS. It works very well an...

Register definition doesn't match part

Posted on August 08, 2015 at 06:17 I'm working with the Nucleo F446RE, and the project that I created using the STM32 Workbench as well as all the standard library files include the stm32f4xx.h file rather than the stm32f446xx.h I noticed...

daniel2 by Associate II
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Posted on August 02, 2015 at 02:04 Guys, Does anyone of you have an experience on SPI1 for STM32F103VCT6 ? I read one code and trying to understand, why one pin has 2 function ?? Please have a look : /* Configure SPI1 pins: NSS...

FATFS frustrating problem

Posted on August 07, 2015 at 16:40Hello again!I'm trying to read from sd card using SDIO. I've succesed to tun it on STM32f103 @72Mhz and after a while I managed to read at about 10Mb/s. But when I ported this files to STM32f407 it hangs somewhere i...

STM32f4 SPI Busy Flag

Posted on August 07, 2015 at 03:03 Hello all, I'm trying to communicate with a nokia 5110 LCD. The nokia 5110 has a slave select bit that I am setting using a GPIO pin (because I'm not entirely sure how the NSS bit for SPI works). My probl...