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Timer 2 on STM32F401C Discovery Board

Posted on September 10, 2015 at 13:30Hi all,I've just started playing with the STM32F4 on the STM32F401C Discovery board, and had some strange behaviour (slowed down time) when attempting to generate a 1ms TIM2 interrupt.From the reference manual fo...

first STM board: STM32F7-disco; newbie questions

Posted on September 10, 2015 at 16:06I have embedded experience with other dev board like TI tiva, NXP's LPC 1769 etc, however, this is my first foray into a STM board. my goal is to port my existing firmware to this board and I'll be glad if someon...

pmgb by Associate
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stm32f407 discovery FW_update and dev app

Posted on September 09, 2015 at 19:29good afternoon! i'm trying to prepare my system for realise updates to the user, and him can download it to the usb flash (used in my process all time) and as FW_update says rset-> press botton 4s-> wait until gr...

stm32f3 moving ISR vector

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 14:57I'm using flash memory in my project so in order the interrupts to work properly I have to move the ISR vector to SRAM or else the flash will stall the interrupts during its work. My working environment is CubeMX...

dooz by Associate II
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Precise ADC for STM32F4

Posted on September 08, 2015 at 19:42Hi,I want to have precise ADC readings on stm32f4 for my project work but it always give me about 1% of error. For example if i take 0 V reading by grounding 12bit ADC it gives readings in between 0-15 (out of 40...

ameer by Associate II
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Random number generator (RNG)

Posted on September 10, 2015 at 10:41Im using the stm32f407vg discovery board, and coocox is my ide. Im trying to use Random number generator (RNG) to generate true random number. Please see code attached. When i run it, it get stuck in  ''while(RNG...

CAN protocol between 2 or more devices

Posted on September 08, 2015 at 14:59 Hi every one I want to establish a connection using CAN between two STM32F407 boards, my CAN configuration is working on same board, CAN1 to CAN2 is successful, But i am not able to send the same frame to di...

puneethj by Associate II
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STM32F0 Correct way to use HAL_UART_Receive_IT?

Posted on September 09, 2015 at 11:02Hi, I have read some of the previous related issues, but I am still confused. How do I use the uart interrupts in a correct way (using hal)? I need to receive each single character since don't know the length. I ...

seed by Associate III
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