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Forum Posts

STM32 HAL for Rs485 Modbus

Posted on October 28, 2014 at 11:27Hi, I am trying to change to HAl library from STD lib. One of the task is port modbus code. I want to receive data, however size is unknown and is time critical (2.5 chars depending on baud rate).typedef struct {  ...

chetan by Associate II
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FFT problem

Posted on January 24, 2016 at 17:45Hi, I need do FFT on stm32f4 and therefore I have few questions: 1. Is there any why to directly copy adc values which are uint16_t to float32_t buffer using DMA, without casting them in fork loop and using two buf...

hokus by Associate II
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SPI Data Register problem in Slave!

Posted on January 23, 2016 at 08:30Hello everyoneRecently I connect two STM32F401RE Nucleo with SPI interface.The configurations for master and slave are full duplex, CLK/256, 16-bit, Mode 0 and MSB first. When master produce the clock, data (0x0080...

ho2 by Associate
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stm32f429 etm trace

Posted on January 23, 2016 at 14:24hello i want to use 4pin etm trace (ukink pro )on stm32f429 and i have this problem: if  core clock > 100 mhz i cant use etm trace and if core clock<140 mhz i cant use ltdc is there any true configs for use etm tra...

FatFS on STM32CubeMx question ?

Posted on January 22, 2016 at 15:29 Guys, I tried to use HAL_SPI from STM32CubeMX with FATFs but I got this error when I compiled the function below argument of type ''const BYTE *'' is incompatible with parameter of type ''BYTE *'' Ho...

STM32F427VI boot from bank 2

Posted on January 24, 2016 at 01:01Hello:     I've read the documentation and searched the forum and internet, but still having trouble with booting from the flash bank2. I have BOOT0 = 0, BOOT1 = 0, BFB2 = 0. I have programmed an image at 0x8000000...

larry by Associate
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STM32F0 bootloader int vect tab problem

Posted on January 23, 2016 at 12:23Hi everyone,I have problem with bootloader in STM32F0. I used Coocox and I read many topics about bootloader and RAM remap on this procesor and I've done everything with this. Debug is working fine I can go inside ...

skolodzi by Associate II
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Problem with Readout Protection on STM32F4 Discovery

Posted on January 22, 2016 at 07:43I cant connect my board because of readout protection is activated (Level 1) and I cant set it back to level 0 in Option Bytes menu on ST-Link Utility. How can I disable Readout Protection  please explain in an eas...

z_ by Associate
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Measuring input from a reed switch with STM32L100RB

Posted on October 02, 2015 at 17:08I want to count pulses generated from a reed switch. The switch has three outputs connected to WKUP1, WKUP2 and PCO of the STM32L100RB. I need an example or suggestions on how to achieve this. Kindly assist.

idris by Associate II
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