2016-02-09 6:57 AM
Please, i need your help... Im working on STM32.I need to scape from HardFault_Handler, without reset, and make an unconditional jump to a concise position...My code:void HardFault_Handler(unsigned int * hardfault_args){if (flag==1) { void (*fptr)(void); fptr= (void (*) (void)) (0x08060210); fptr(); } while(1);}but it doesn`t work...May be I need to clear some register, or set to privileged mode?Flag is set before the ''dangerous'' zone, to catch the exception....Please can you help me?Thank you very much in advance!YoursEd2016-02-09 7:07 AM
Addresses for 16-bit Thumb code are ODD
2016-02-09 11:30 PM
Jump to 0x08060211 works properly...Thanks for your help.