2016-02-09 8:04 AM
does anybody know where to get the STM32 Audio Engine ? http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF250970 Is it possible to get this for a student project ? Or are there any other demo projects availaible to play *.mp3 files with the STM32F469I-DISCO ?2016-02-09 8:18 AM
Anything not readily downloadable likely requires an NDA or licensing. This is a user forum, for technical assistance you should go through normal sales/support structures. You should discuss your project related issues with your supervisor. Determine if the project is about assembling pieces others have created, or actually understanding the coding format, and building a decoder.
A Google search should bring up any available open-source decoding libraries. Generic Cortex-M3/M4 code should be portable. A lot of people use chip solutions, like the VS1003.