2016-02-09 04:25 PM
Peripheral timer clk when do we 36mhz max and when do we use 36mhz max x2 = 72mhz?
2016-02-09 07:16 PM
The forum does not like mobile devices, but you're going to have to learn to put the question and context in the body, not the title.
The timers (counter) can run at higher speeds than other peripherals on the bus. You get to set the APB divider for the bus, in all but the 1X case the TIM CLK is 2X. Technically it's not multiplied, just taken from the divider chain one level earlier. There is a diagram in the manual, and supporting text, documenting this. APB1 on the STM32F1 parts typically runs at 36 MHz, this will limit the speed of the USART, SPI, etc peripherals on that bus.