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STM32F4 /F7 USB HS PHY max speed

Posted on February 10, 2016 at 11:29Hi, at the moment im using a STM32F3 as custom FS HID device to send 1000 64byte packets each second (64kb/s) to host pc. i would like to increase the speed so im wondering which speed i can get with the external...

Memcpy vs DMA

Posted on February 10, 2016 at 16:47hi, I'm using the STM32f407-discovery board example of DMA_FLASH_RAM.I've noticed by using systics for time measurements, that memcpy provides better timing than DMA.for example.I have 16bit array of 64 elements t...

haukeye by Associate II
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STM32F103x and MPU6050 I2C Issue

Posted on February 09, 2016 at 14:27I worked out on a library for UART debug and I2C basics to read write registers via I2C..problem now is I read the  FIFO but it turns out to be zero..Disabled sleep bit..Fifo Enable Register Set, User Control Regi...

strtod exception on STM32F746NG-Discovery

Posted on February 11, 2016 at 05:19I am using STMCube with an STM32F746NG-Discovery kit and the IAR tools.  I can build the samples with STMCube and run then but if I use strtod() then the application will crash in:_Stoflt + 0x113__iar_Stodx + 0x39...

brian2 by Associate II
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EEPROM emulation in STM32F4x family

Posted on July 29, 2014 at 08:32I have come across the following ST application note and sample. guess this works for STM32F4x family too, am I ...

harinath by Associate III
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PWM output without using Timer as AF.

Posted on February 10, 2016 at 15:02I want to generate a PWM output for a GPIO pin without using Timer as the AF. Is there any other way of accurately doing this? Timers in other modes can be used. Code samples will be helpful. #output #pwm #disc...

STM32F373 SDADC Calibration hardfault

Posted on October 03, 2014 at 09:45Hello, I would like to kindly ask for a help with calibration of SDADC peripheral on chip STM32F373. Im using SDADC with TIM19 triggered conversions 1000Hz.  I have tried two variants of calibration A)     /* Set C...

ssubrt9 by Associate
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