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#include <gui/screen1_screen/Screen1View.hpp>   #include "../../Core/Inc/hello.h" // NO in simulator TouchGFX, Yes in CUBEIDEMX extern int myvar; // NO in simulator TouchGFX, Yes in CUBEIDEMX   Screen1View::Screen1View() {   }   void Screen1...
Hi,it is possible to change the name of the project in STM32CUBEIDE?The name is set by TouchGFX designer software by default.When i tried to rename in STM32CUBEIDE i got an error.
Hi, I can no longer view the video tutorials on youtube.Ex this:
Posted on April 15, 2016 at 18:17Hi,I'm building a time trial race, to do this i'm using the STM32F334R8T6 microcontroller with the RTC and timestamp, resolution must be of hundredths of a second, for this type of project is correct to use a RTC clo...
Posted on October 31, 2014 at 12:51 Hi, i have a problem with the dma adc conversion, the values ​​of the conversion are correct but the interrupt is called only once. I would like to get an ongoing conversion. main.c /* Inclu...
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