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Forum Posts

STM32f429 USB OTG problem

Posted on March 07, 2016 at 18:23Hello everyone,I tried to import an usb library in Atollic TrueStudio . I receive this error ''fatal error: usbd_msc_mem.h: No such file or directory''.In fact that is such ''file or directory'' included in my projec...


PWM same Dutycycle, different starttime (Phaseshift)

Posted on August 26, 2013 at 14:21 Hello, is it possible to configure the PWM Outputs to drive all three Channels with the same Dutycycle, but starting delayed (Phaseshifted)? I configured the PWMs with a common Timebase TIM1. Is there a chance to u...

markus23 by Associate
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STM32F7 Discovery - on-board LCD and CubeMX problem

Posted on March 06, 2016 at 12:54Hi. I've been playing around with the example project LTDC/LTDC_Display_1_Layer from the STM32F7 CubeMX package. Everything works fine, I modified the project a little bit and so on. However, when I tried to create a...

STM32 with multilanguage WWW - technologies

Posted on March 08, 2016 at 08:57Hello everyone, I am looking for any information about design multilanguage pages on embedded systems. I mean how to resolve problems with memory (flash, external memory for web files, RAM, etc.), any design solution...

stm32f4 adc dma 14 analog inputs

Posted on February 20, 2015 at 20:02Hello It seems that I do have huge challange. I need 14 analog inputs working continuously. According this I'm using DMA transmission. I've setup the GPIO config I've setup the DMA config. I've setup the ADC1 con...

oli by Associate II
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STM32L4 DSP Instructions

Posted on March 08, 2016 at 12:23Hi,I am new to Cortex M4 based STM32L4 series MCU. I got to know that Cortex M4 supports FPU and DSP instructions. I want to use both of them in my project.Currently I am working with STM32L4 Discovery Kit and Keil u...

dhaval by Associate II
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STM32F411 GPIO not working

Posted on March 07, 2016 at 21:53Hello. I am trying to get PA7 gpio port to work but it is not working not as input neither as output (i havent checked alternate functions). When i read or write from it the result is 0. There is a possibility that i...