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Unable to get SPI slave working with DMA controller with CRC enabled

Senior II
Posted on March 31, 2016 at 14:11



The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
Senior II
Posted on March 31, 2016 at 14:53

The following change in the HAL-layer seems to solve the problem:

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi, uint8_t *pTxData, uint8_t *pRxData, uint16_t Size)
hspi->pTxBuffPtr = (uint8_t*)pTxData;
hspi->TxXferSize = Size;
hspi->TxXferCount = Size;
hspi->pRxBuffPtr = (uint8_t*)pRxData;
hspi->RxXferSize = Size;
hspi->RxXferCount = Size;
status = HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hspi2, transmitDMAbuffer, receiveDMAbuffer, DMA_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE);

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi, uint8_t *pTxData, uint8_t *pRxData, uint16_t TxSize, uint16_t RxSize)

{ . . . hspi->pTxBuffPtr = (uint8_t*)pTxData; hspi->TxXferSize = TxSize; hspi->TxXferCount = TxSize; hspi->pRxBuffPtr = (uint8_t*)pRxData; hspi->RxXferSize = RxSize; hspi->RxXferCount = RxSize; . . . } status = HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hspi2, transmitDMAbuffer, receiveDMAbuffer, DMA_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE, DMA_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1);
Senior II
Posted on March 31, 2016 at 15:58

I guess I was too quick to conclude that it was working. If I run several times this is what I get:

1st attemp: Everything ok.

2nd attempt: The received data is correct, but I get a CRC error and I never get a SPI_DMATransmitReceiveCplt interrupt on the transmit DMA stream (stream 4).

3rd attemp: This starts with an interrupt from the receive DMA stream (stream3), but no interrupt flag is set. Everything else is ok.

4th attempt: The received data is correct. but  I never get a SPI_DMATransmitReceiveCplt interrupt on the transmit DMA stream (stream 4).

5th attempt: This starts with an interrupt from the receive DMA stream (stream3), but no interrupt flag is set. Everything else is ok.

Anybody know what's wrong?
Senior II
Posted on April 04, 2016 at 18:00

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