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STM32F103 StdPeriphLib I2C Slave

Posted on April 05, 2016 at 12:57Hi,I am trying to build a slave using a STM32F103. I've got the ''Optimized I2C Examples'' project to use it as a base and I get the idea of what is happening.The bit I am stuck at is finding a way to check if master...

dman by Associate II
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STM32F4 DISC1 reset issue

Posted on March 31, 2016 at 11:20I'm using a STM32F407VG Discovery board in a test rig, and have noticed an issue when the board is powered with 5V on the pins. It appears that the MCU is held in reset after power is applied. This is fixed by pluggi...

CUBEMX -> code -> add TSL Lib something is wrong

Posted on March 30, 2016 at 11:56 hi,  CUBEMX made simple code which works, than i add Touch driver1.4.4 and get errors, why this two  do not compatiable ?  - KEIL , comman line:   USE_HAL_DRIVER, STM32L152xB. compile : - '' GR1 has already been ...

enmirc by Associate II
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debugger, what is it really doing

Posted on April 03, 2016 at 23:20Hi everyone,I wonder exactly what the debugger is doing when I attach it with gdb. What is the big difference between running with debugger and without debugger?Does it use its own startup code ?Does it do stuff with...

Cummulative data loss in SD write

Posted on March 30, 2016 at 05:30Hello all, I am facing some data loss while SD card writing. My application needs to save timer count and accerelometer data in a 8KB buffer in every 10ms (Tim_9 interrupt) and when the buffer is full, it'll write to...

rumlyen by Associate II
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Trigger the OnePulseMode by software

Posted on April 04, 2016 at 13:37Hello,I want to use the OnePulseMode timer on software demand. On the documentation and even in the HAL the triggering by software is not mentioned only by an external signal is mentioned. I did some testing and by p...

Flash timeout reset target and try again

Posted on April 02, 2016 at 13:51hello, i am using stm32f407. I was working on PWM using timer4 .Accidently i connected VDD pin to 10V. Now my stm is not downloading program and previously downloaded program is also not working . Every time I press ...

STM32F4 DMA Interrupt big latency :(

Posted on April 04, 2016 at 01:43 Hi everybody i work on a project and in my project dma sync by timer1 and timer1 as config for pwm and dma trigger on update event. i have a big problem. my total transient is cost and after finish d...

eittinfo by Associate II
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