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Forum Posts

Troubles using Mx plugin

Posted on May 20, 2016 at 10:19Hi folks, I have installed MX plugin into an existing eclipse Mars.2 (4.5.2). Looks like it worked. But when I try to show an STM32CubeMX window, it simply crashes my eclipse. I was expecting being ...

STM32F103 I2C Slave strange behaviour [Solved]

Posted on May 16, 2016 at 15:24Hi,I have a STM32F103 MCU with I2C2 enabled and configured as slave (ID 0x28h). I also have a STM32F429 MCU with I2C3 as Master.I've found an Optimized I2C Examples on ST's website and I've used that as a base. All I a...

dman by Associate II
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STM32F469I-Disco CAN Interfaces connections

Posted on May 19, 2016 at 09:42Hi, I have successfully connected and run the CAN2 interface on this board. Now, I'm trying to connect the CAN1 but I can not find the corresponding port pins on the board. I've been reading the pds but there is no inf...

Relation between JTAG/SWD and HCLK

Posted on May 19, 2016 at 11:50Hello, I am searching for hard facts about the clock relation requirements between the Core HCLK Clock and the external applied JTAG/SWD clock. Any hints welcome!

Bootloader sometimes run slow.

Posted on May 19, 2016 at 05:12Hi:   My systems run STM32F427@168 MHz using external oscillator @ 8 MHz. The system will first run boot-loader then jump to main application. I find that sometimes the boot-time is long. After check it's due to boot-l...

STM32CubeMX Two VCPs using CDC

Posted on May 17, 2016 at 14:29I'm a beginner in USB Stack on STM32F4. I have a question about creating a project using CubeMX (STM32F4 Discovery) for USB CDC to have 2 Virtual Com Ports in the ''Device Manager'' ? Thanks

Operate SDMMC1 at higher clock in LP Run mode

Posted on May 16, 2016 at 08:53Hi,I am using STM32L4x6 MCU. I am trying to reduce the overall power consumption. For that I am running MCU @ 2MHz in LP Run mode. Currently the SDMMC1 transfer clock is set to 800KHz. But I want to increase while keep...

dhaval by Associate II
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