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Resolved! SPI3 v SPI1/2 on STM32U585 chips

Hello,I'm porting code that worked on STM32U585CI using SPI1 as full duplex master with GPDMA1 CH4(Rx)/CH5(Tx) to an STM32U585QII using SPI3, again as master with GPDMA1 CH4(Rx)/CH5(Tx). Only 1 SPI is used. I'm using CubeIDE 1.13.2 to autogenerate HA...

EC.3 by Associate III
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Half Bridge inverter control

Hi team!I am starting a new project involving a CC/CA Half Bridge. I need to choose an MCU to handle the digital control and send voltage and current measurements over communication (UART or SPI). The switching frequency will be 50kHz, voltage and cu...

Resolved! HAL_UART_Transmit cost 15ms?

I just find my HAL_UART_Transmit() function cost 15ms. why does it cost so much time?The UART speed is 19200, and I use GPIO set and reset function to check the time cost.Total data length of send buffer is 29 bytes. and I use a 15ms polling loop to ...

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RTC on Timer Interrupts

I am using TIMER 14 for counting test durations in my projects however I am lagging off aroumd 5 mins per week.How can i implement the same with RTC counter?

meena by Associate III
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STM32H503RB I3C private communication

Hi all, I tried to communicate(private) with my I3C slave device by using STM32H503RB board (as a controller). Here's the code from "Introduction to I3C for STM32 MCUs - Application note Chapter 9.8 Private read"    uint8_t aTxBuffer[1] = {0x0F}; u...

SteveDu by Associate II
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Hi, I am working with STM32H503RB.I'm currently testing the function of "I3C_Controller_ENTDAA_IT" from the example code.Capture1 is the result of "I3C_RSTDAA_THEN_ENTDAA"The expected behavior of Capture1 should be 7E06 then 7E07.Why would 7E02 occur...

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SteveDu by Associate II
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