User Activity

Hi, I'm using NUCLEO-H753ZI Board.  There was a mistake while conducting the experiment. After that, the red light on LED6 came on and the red light on LED6 came on again after disconnecting the cable. Looking at the User Manual, LED6 comes out as Ov...
Hi. I'm using STM32F303RCT6 now. Is it possible to set one pin vss using gpio settings? If so, is there a specific pin? If you have any question, ask me.Thank you. 
Hi, I am using MCU : STM32H743ZGT6.When I write the code and build it, I get these errors. So even if I create a new project and build without writing any code, I get the same error.  How do I fix this? Error : c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.10.1\stm32cubeide\...
Hi. I am selecting for chip upgrade. In the database content of STM32H743ZG, the SPI interface characteristics section says that the VOS level should be set to VOS1 as shown in the picture, but I chose rev.V to use the main frequency 480 MHz. So my V...
Hi everyone, I am wondering about multi ADC blocks(ADC1, ADC2).I don't give you a delay at the moment.When they start, must i give some delay to them?If so, how long must i give some delay?ex)HAL_ADC_Start_IT(&hadc1);Delay_us(2);HAL_ADC_Start_IT(&had...
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