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Hello everyone,I am working with the STM32F072RBT6 Discovery board, where the board is configured as an SPI slave while another device acts as the master. I am utilizing DMA to receive and transmit data through two SPI interfaces (SPI1 and SPI2).Curr...
Hi Team, ST-Link Connection Issues with STM32F072RBT6 Discovery BoardHi everyone,I’m experiencing issues with my STM32F072RBT6 Discovery Board. It was working fine until recently when I started encountering errors with the ST-Link debugger.Error Deta...
Hi Team, Recently while working with STM32F072RB , I am using DMA mechanism with SPI. I am receiving a 63 bytes of data continuously from an external system at every 1ms.In  STM32F072RB, I have enabled two SPI-SPI1 &SPI2. From/to the external system....
Hi,  I am using STM32F072RB-disco board to implement SPI communication with an external system. SPI MODE :Slave mode full duplex communication (for both SPI) From the external system I have to receive and transmit the 63 bytes of data with 2 SPI's (S...
Hi Team,We are using STM32F072RB MCU with discover EVM boardWe are using STM32CubeIDEWe are using SPI1 and SPI2 as slave mode configuration Query: we observed that the FIFO full and overflow is happening @Spi slave while receiving the data stream @1M...