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Forum Posts

Enable UART TX over ST-LINK/V2 on unused SWO pin

Hello, maybe a lame question, but how to force enable SWV even if the microcontroller in the project does not support it? Or use ST-link's SWO as console input? (does not have to be SWV)I got a project in Cube IDE for STM32G071KBU3 microcontroller us...

Jkman by Associate
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STM32U575 SPI data size issue

Hi,I am using STM32U575VIT6Q in a BPSK receiver. The STM32U575 SPI1 is set to slave, receiver only. GPDMA channel 6 is linked to the SPI1 input and buffering input data to a data array. The SPI1 clock input (PA5) is connected to TIM1 channel 3 output...

hguan by Associate III
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STM32F407ZET6 Could not verify ST Device

Hi All, I have a setup where I bought a STM32F407ZET6 dev board from AliExpress and have been using for almost 6 years using STM32Cube IDE. It was only until i updated my IDE from 1.6 to 1.14 when it started saying that "Could not verify ST Device! P...

Neolithic by Associate III
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STM32F722 clock initialization error

Hi,I'm working on a project that uses STM32F722RE and I wanted to set the system clock to max value of 216 MHz using 12MHz external crystal as the input for the PLL. The problem is, if I set the SYSCLK and HCLK to 216 MHz, the code fails to initializ...

Roach by Associate II
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