2016-10-22 11:25 AM
It's strange but http://www.coocox.org/ do not work. Maybe there is a site from which this distribution can be downloaded? Besides http://www.coocox.org/. Thanks.
2016-10-25 5:20 AM
The Coocox people seem to have disappeared about a year ago. I've visited a few times since then, but the site looked like a ghost town -- filled with spam and dead links. I'm not too surprised that someone finally pulled the plug.
It's a bit odd that ST still mentions CoIDE, even on its newer product Web pages. I've been using OpenSTM32 (AC6).2016-10-26 2:21 AM
I think many vendors are getting their own solutions, making coIDE obsolete.
Also, you do not really need it, the tool will just add to the compexity. For linux, just download the CMSIS for the MCU in question, get hold of the link file and the core headers, create a basic makefile and then -> make.See this link as an example (stm32f7):https://github.com/Staringlizard/memwa2As a debugger, just use gdb together with this:https://github.com/texane/stlink