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Forum Posts

How do you structure folders for a project?

Posted on March 06, 2017 at 04:54I notice that in the example projects within the STM32L4 firmware package that all the examples have a parent folder that contains a SRC folder with the C files, and INC folder with the local include files, and a pro...

Resolved! STM32F4 Hard Crashes with I2C

Posted on March 06, 2017 at 16:22I'm having a problem where I2C is hard crashing my STM32F446RET6 (programmed in EWARM with CubeMX as a starting point).  When I2C devices are enabled, at random amounts of time (couple hours to overnight), a .25 seco...

ITM_SendChar, ST-Link/V2 and Eclipse/gdb

Posted on October 03, 2012 at 03:58Hi, Is anyone getting debug text via ITM_SendChar using ST-Link, gdb, and Eclipse? I've tried it for the first time, and I'm not seeing my debug text displayed in the Eclipse console view. I can confirm with breakp...

RTC on STM32L053R8

Posted on March 06, 2017 at 05:49I tried to work with RTC (LSI) on STM32L0 but I got a problem. My desire is run a RTC like normal watch and get time at 2 point and find time between 2 point in milisecs but when I get time debugger always give me 0x...

Software Interrupt NVIC

Posted on February 27, 2017 at 19:51I can not find enough information about the definition of a software interrupt with NVIC. If the edge of an internal software bit is positive, an interrupt routine should be executedThanks#stm32f4