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Forum Posts

STM32F105 - Create USB Virtual COM port

Posted on March 14, 2015 at 22:11Hi,I am using a Decawave EVK1000 and would like to create a USB VCOM port to my PC.I have never made a USB driver before and have downloaded the USB FS library for the STM32F105.From the library I see there is the De...

mati by Associate
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TIMx TRGO generation

Posted on March 28, 2017 at 23:39On my '407 I am using TIM2 to trigger a series of ADC conversions. The connection between TIM2 and the ADCs is TRGO.I have set up the time base for TIM2 to be 84MHz and TIM2 has no prescaler and a counter period of 2...

Resolved! STM32 chip revision

Posted on March 24, 2017 at 16:35I have a NUCELO board with STM32F767ZI.I have read that there are

SPWF01SA.21 WiFi module

Posted on March 28, 2017 at 16:31Is it possible to connect an external eeprom to the SPWF01.21 module? The stored eeprom data will be very small >1K and only serve to remember GPIO high or low settings of the modules STM32F103 core that an end user ...

Resolved! STM32F334 and RTC Setup

Posted on March 28, 2017 at 10:35Hi,I have a STM32F334 with a cylindrical watch 32.768kHz xtal connected as a LSE oscillator. LSE now works. Folks on the forum, were kind enough to point out to me about possible PCB related issues.Originally, I've h...

DMA - Pheriperal to Memory max Speed

Posted on March 27, 2017 at 14:16Hi,I'm using a STM32F429 operating at 168 MHz. I want to read in 16 GPIO pins (one port) via DMA. I'm curious what's the maximum input rate is, for a certain number of consecutive level changes (read out of an extern...

Skadi F by Associate II
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stm32f301 comparator

Posted on March 28, 2017 at 12:59I'm trying to use stm32f301 comparator 2, but the output is always 0 no matter if the two inputs are higher or lower. I guess the configuration is wrong.The main code is here. Thanks for the help in advance!void Conf...

NT7502 driver (LCD driver)

Posted on March 28, 2017 at 13:15mostafa.fathihii want to drive an LCD. my LCD driver is NT7502. i want to know what can i drive it with stm32f103 AND STemwin? if no then how do i do?thankfulnull