2017-05-07 1:34 PM
I'm working on stm32f042 but now I want to use the stm32f030 for memori and cost reason, I see that in the 030 there aren't the boot SEL bit to select by default the flash boot. On my board in boot pin I use a pull-up with a button to ground, l see that ST board works on the opposite mode (pull-down with a Button to VDD), it's possibile to create a little software that can switch from RAM or sistem memory to Flash memory?
Thank you very much.
2017-05-07 4:04 PM
There's likely a SYSCFG register to do the mapping of ROM, FLASH and RAM into the zero memory space. Check the Reference Manual for specific address and bit settings.
Need to fix the DEAD LINKs in this post, but you have control of the processor, you can jump to any memory location you want.
2017-05-09 7:14 AM
For STM32F03x there aren't the BOOT_SEL bit and the nBOOT0 bit.
My Question is if I've the BOOT0 pin to 1, how it is the best mode to jump to Main Flash Memory? from System memory or Embedded SRAM? I don't know if it's possible..
2017-05-09 11:00 AM
Every STM32 part I've used expects BOOT0 to be pulled low to execute user code from FLASH. If your board or option settings don't permit that, you might need to spin your board design to provide that flexibility.
You'd have to check what the System Loader does it these situations, my expectation is it is waiting for external interaction, and that you'd need to send a GO type command to start execution of your code.