2017-05-09 5:39 AM
How use the analog port with the stm32l0538 disco using the hal library
#analog2017-05-09 7:20 AM
Hello Luiz
Do you mean how to use the ADC peripheral or does your question concern the configuration of GPIOs in analog mode ?
Have you looked at the ADC examples for the STM32L053C8-Discovery board in your STM32Cube directory?
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2017-05-09 12:00 PM
Hi Romain
My question is the comfiguration of GPIO in analog mode, and i not found examples for this
you can help me ?
2017-05-09 12:23 PM
Bunch of examples, for DISCO and NUCLEO boards, review them
2017-05-09 12:45 PM
Ok i saw the examples, but i not found the analog output example
2017-05-09 1:31 PM
Your question wasn't that specific, look at the DAC examples then
2017-05-09 2:20 PM
i know the dac, but i want control a RGB led in different values established from the software
Led Red 127
Led Green 55
Led Blue 255
And the stm32l0538 Disco has only one channel DAC
understood ?
2017-05-09 4:56 PM
May be it is poor choice of part for your application? Also the DAC doesn't drive the amount current you'd need for an LED.
Could you use a timer in PWM mode? Many of the TIM have 4 channels which can share a common period, with different pulse widths.
2017-05-10 3:30 AM
Hi Luiz
The DAC is not suitable for this type of application.
I advise you to use 3 channels of a GP TIMER in PWM output mode with the HAL Library (as Clive One explains there are a multitude of examples)
Alternatively you can watch and try the MBed class below. Your STM32L053-Discovery is compatible with MBed Online.
Best regards
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2017-05-10 7:41 AM
Really i had forgotten the PWM Thanks