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STM32F103 - TIM1 PWM Interrupt not working?

Posted on April 17, 2017 at 17:56Hi, I'm using STM32F103RBTx MCU and I generate my code using CubeMX (v4.20.1).I need PWM output on 2 Pin: Timer1 - Channel 1 and Timer4 - Channel 4.These 2 PWM signal is used to control 2 separated DC motors.I config...

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FFT problem on stm32427- solved

Posted on April 20, 2017 at 16:11I have done fft computation but I got strange results.Please let me know if i did any mistake.why I am getting the following strange results?// ADC&sharpdefine ADC_RAW_LENGTH 512// FFT//&sharpdefine FFT_SAMPLES 2048&...

IDB05A1 working without jumper

Posted on April 21, 2017 at 10:17Hi,I am using a IDB05A1 board together with a L073RZ, is it normal that the IDB05A1 is working when i remove the J1 jumper?I don't get why since there's no connection between 3v3 and VDDThanks in advance Raphael


Posted on April 20, 2017 at 11:19HiI want to connect a thermal camera to the STM32756G-EVAL EV board.In order to connect it I need to have one free SPI terminal and one I2C free terminal.When looking at the user manual I can't find SPI mentioned any...

Convert SystemWorkbench to GNU ARM Eclipse ??

Posted on April 19, 2017 at 00:24I recently try to start a project using STM SensorTile which has the STM32L4 chip embedded.I have downloaded the STSW-STLKT01 and I have loaded coded using the AC6 SystemWorkbench, no problem.However, my boss need me...

STM32F7 multi-Slave SPI with CubeMX

Posted on April 21, 2017 at 03:14CubeMX 4.20.1STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.6.1Target: STM32F765NIHxThe Reference Manual (RM0410 rev 2) Section 35.5.3 (multi-slave) Figure 390 Note 2 states that the MISO pins of all SPI Slaves must be configured as alternate-f...

Resolved! Accesing the field of a struct when it is a pointer?

Posted on April 20, 2017 at 19:39Having trouble reading the MAC address using the HAL but mostly because of my inexperience. uint8_t             *MACAddr;                   /*!< MAC Address of used Hardware: must be pointer on an array of 6 bytes */...

Resolved! AS5048 SPI Communication trouble

Posted on April 18, 2017 at 19:44Hi All,Have just moved over to the STM32 (have the Nucleo-F103RB!) device from 8bit devices, and am finding the STM32 device to be pretty cool Currently working on a personal project, to build a robotic arm and have ...