2017-06-08 3:32 PM
Hi everyone!
I've just bought an STM32F429I-DISC1 board.
When I connect the board to the PC with the USB cable and all the jumpers as the manual said, the demonstration code starts and the screen with the image browser, video browser, game, calendar, performance and system info appears.
The problem is that when I connect an USB mass storage device to the USB User connector, the board doesn't recognize it.
It doesn't do anything with the USB, it's like if I haven't connected anything.
What can be happening?
#stm32f429 #stm32f429-disco2017-06-08 5:36 PM
I've just made it work!
I couldn't make work the pre programmed demonstration application.
I programmed the demonstration application included in STM32F4 Cube (at the repository of STMCube Mx) and I noticed that it's a bit different from the preloaded application. It has a different menu, i.e. it includes a File Browser which is not included in the preloaded.
It works ok now, but not with the preloaded app!