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Forum Posts

Resolved! Dual CAN STM32F105

To implement a "bridge" devise between two independent CAN buses, the STM32F105R8 chip was chosen. From the specifications it follows that it has 2 CAN buses, but going deeper into it I realized that they share a lot of resources among themselves.cou...

YRakh.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Integer overflow modes on Cortex

Hello,I am dealing with fixed-point arithmetic calculations on STM32G0.To avoid integer overflow risks I have scaled properly all the values involved in calculations, but a mistake can be always possible...On Texas Instruments DSPs, I have the possib...

CTabo.1 by Senior
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Resolved! add offset for application start address

Hi,I've ran into an issue which is about start address of an application. I'm using an own bootloader to switch between two different applications. For the application I changed the start address in file to 0x08040000. That works perfectly f...

STM32L496 I2C Reading Error

Hello:  This is weird problem. We have a STM32L496 system that handles multiple I2C devices through its three I2C buses. The I2C#1 (1MHz) has 10 NXP devices, #2 (400kHz) has 4 TI TMP117 chips, and #3 (400kHz) miscellaneous devices including other TI ...

WQ by Associate III
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Password for USB Device

I am using STM32F4 MCU in USB device MSC mode with data stored on SD card. I have also standard 16X2 LCD & Membrane keypad connected to MCU I want to make interface where once USB device is connected to laptop, the data is showed on laptop after ente...

Nico3 by Senior
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Floating point calculation in STM32L431CBT6

Dear all,I am having some issues with precision of floating point calculations with STM32L431CBT6.As one can see that when I do floating point calculation I am getting 1.23000002 instead of 1.23.Can anyone suggest more efficient and accurate way to d...

DKhan.1 by Associate II
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Which boot should I use on my L476?

I'm looking for a simple solution to update firmware on my application developed on a STM32L476, with the minimum effort.As far as I understood this chip already has a boot on it that allows to get data via UART1 and a proprietary protocol from STM.I...

Resolved! Detect Debugger Connected To STM32L0 ?

Posted on December 13, 2017 at 17:32   In Cortex-M3, M4, etc, we can just check the DEBUGEN bit in DHCSR (the Debug Halting Control and Status Register) in Cortex-M...