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Forum Posts

I2S doesn't work properly on STM32F407

Posted on May 20, 2017 at 09:54I'm trying to launch I2S on STM32F407. Clocks work fine, WS is what I want (8k, 44.1k, etc), CK is 32*WS, MCK is 256*WS. The problem is that data is transfered at a lower speed (twice lower). I.e I send 1000 bytes duri...

STM32F7 Debugging in Eclipse

Posted on November 25, 2015 at 15:51Hello,I need some help with the installation of a STM32F7 Discovery Board.I would like to debug it via the integrated ST-Link/V2-1 in EclipseSo far I use the Atollic GDB and OpenOCD (with the STM32F7 support: http...

STM32429I-EVAL1: SDIO at 50MHz?

Posted on May 20, 2017 at 23:09I have an STM32429I-EVAL1 board. I have these working happily:* microSD at 25MHz with 4-bit interface, using DMA* USB OTG HS as an MSC device* FatFs talking to SDIO with 8-10 MB/s throughput (write/read)* USB (from Win...

STM32L476 I2C open drain with VDDIO2

Posted on May 20, 2017 at 01:09Hi I am trying to use STM32L476 with several I2C devices, STM32L4 operates @3.3V whereas one of the I2C device is operating @1.8V - I need to avoid using level shifting hardware, there is provision of VDDIO2 and when u...

Resolved! I-CUBE-LRWAN V1.1.0 Why the -1 to Unsigned Cast?

Posted on May 18, 2017 at 22:10In I-CUBE-LRWAN V1.1.0 RegionCommon.c there's a function that returns the next duty cycle delay as follows:TimerTime_t RegionCommonUpdateBandTimeOff( bool dutyCycle, Band_t* bands, uint8_t nbBands ){    TimerTime_t nex...

STM32F0 Baud rate calculation macro

Posted on May 20, 2017 at 21:25From STM32F0xx_hal_uart.h/** @brief BRR division operation to set BRR register in 8-bit oversampling mode. * @param __PCLK__: UART clock. * @param __BAUD__: Baud rate set by the user. * @retval Division result */&sharp...


High temperature substitute of STM32F042F6P6

Posted on March 15, 2017 at 19:19Hello,I am now using STM32F042F6P6 for control purpose on my gate driver board. However, the ambient  temperature requirement is changed to 120C compared to 85C before.Since STM32F042F6P6 can not work under this temp...

HAL_PCD_EP_GetRxCount returning wrong value ?

Posted on May 18, 2017 at 20:28I'm using  STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.6.0 for long bulk transfers (up to 4096 bytes).   When the stm32 receives a packet longer that 64 bytes,  HAL_PCD_EP_GetRxCount returns a number 1-64 (e.g. a packet of 1024 returns a lengt...

Geoffrey1 by Associate III
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