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Forum Posts

possible bug in clock generation

Posted on June 09, 2017 at 09:26I am using cube 4.21 with a STM32F205 CPU.I configured the clock to run at 120 Mhz (25Mhz crystal M=20, N 192, P 2) in the file system_stm32f2xx.c generated by cube, I have the following:uint32_t SystemCoreClock = 160...

Adalgiso by Associate II
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Resolved! Interrupts - USART corrupted data

Posted on July 04, 2017 at 11:16Hi everyone,I am designing a system that needs a bunch of interrupts working. By now I have three possible source of interrupts working:+ USART6+ SPI2+ TIM6The USART6 works sending and receiving data from PC.When SPI2...

Build error 238 on example/user/main.o

Posted on July 05, 2017 at 15:15I have a P-NUCLEO-IHM001 board and try to build an example from the directotry 'STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.8.0' with AC6 toolchain and always get a build error 238 on example/user/main.oWhy does this occur and how can I solve...

Improve code processing time

Posted on June 27, 2017 at 19:18 I am working with the STM32L486 and we aim to use as low clock speed as possible to conserve power. As a result, I need to improve the run time inside one high rate interrupt to meet the timing requirement. I was tr...

e d by Associate II
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