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Hello masters,I am trying USB_OTG_FS application with STM32f401VE MCU on own designed board.Program going infinite loop at startup _stm32f401xe.s file . I traced to where the problem occurs. It seems; /* Deactivate the power down*/ USBx->GCCFG...
Posted on August 03, 2017 at 16:51Hello ST Masters,I have a project about on grid solar inverter what i have to done. I want to take a reference as AN3095  application that is ideal system for my project with STM32. All hardware schematics and topol...
Posted on July 17, 2017 at 11:10Hello Masters,I am trying to make a project with Gui Builder on STM32F429 Discovery. But i couldn't add libraries to my project on True Studio.Do you know any GUI project by TrueStudio for STM32F429 Discovery to refer...
Posted on October 31, 2016 at 16:27For example :  My date  is  31.10.2016  . After  120 days later,  what is my new date ? Is it possible to know it on internal RTC module or  maybe calculation??    (STM32F401)   #rtc
Posted on June 17, 2016 at 10:41Hi guys , I'm not sure that my project runs on FPU with free version True Studio. I set it for FPU and Hardware implementation and all other config in my code . But when i debug the project i see that math operations ...
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