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Forum Posts

Cube F4 V1.16.0 DMA on SD card broken?

Posted on July 07, 2017 at 02:12I'm using Cube generator app V4.21.0 and F4 FW V1.16.0 on a 429II.If I enable DMA transfers for the SD card, it hangs in the SD driver and won't even allow the card to be mounted.Rolling back to older versions of stm3...

Problem in SPI transmission of stm32f072cb

Posted on July 21, 2017 at 16:34Hi guys,I am new to stm32 controller and i am facing a problem in receiving part of spi which is not working can you please explain to me the specific part of the code need to change i am using spi in bidirectional mo...

Why is priority HAL_DELAY compared to button?

Posted on July 20, 2017 at 15:38Hi,i've a little problem with stm32L0.I want change state with button B1, but HAL_DELAY is priority of button. the mian is:uint8_t stato; stato = 0;while (1) {switch(stato) { case 0: HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, L...

Lex Trc by Associate II
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STM32F746ZG Timer accuracy and jitter

Posted on July 21, 2017 at 12:10Hi there, I have a Nucleo F746ZG board and am experimenting with the peripherals.  I'm trying to get a regular timer interrupt at a given frequency, and am seeing a huge amount of jitter.Here's my configuration: Syst...

Help with USB on stm32f723e-disco

Posted on July 13, 2017 at 10:00Hello! I bought evaluation board: stm32f723e-discoI want to communicate stm32f723e-disco with PC through USB cable through virtual com-portI use Keil as IDE.Where can I find example project to start working with usb?T...