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STLINK Utility V3.9.0 Installer

Posted on August 09, 2017 at 04:55Where can I get the old release of STLINK Utility? The latest version (V4.0.0) is failing on me. I need the V3.9.0. Anybody has the installer for windows 7?

STM32(F4) register programming

Posted on August 08, 2017 at 18:56Hi,I would like to programm my mcu (stm32f4) directly with the reference manual. Are there some examples from ST to see how it is done? I would need for the start examples of: I'C and GPIO.Hope you could help me,tha...

uli stone by Associate II
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STM32CubeMX bug - can't select AF on PH6

Posted on August 09, 2017 at 03:39STM32CubeMX 4.22.0, F7 cube 1.7, stm32f769i-discoveryI want a 32 bit timer with pwm capture on the arduino headers. Attempting to select TIM2_CH1 on  PH6 fails. In the application, it just puts the ball to reset mod...


Resolved! STM32CUBEMX feature request

Posted on August 08, 2017 at 22:50Hi, I currently have a CUBEMX project for a STM32F7 LQFP100 chip and I want to create a new project for the pinout equivalent in the STM32H7 series. In CubeMX I can generate a pinout listing from my F7 project as a ...

EEPROM endurance, calculation of EEPROM writing cycles

Posted on August 08, 2017 at 11:14Hi all,How is calculated the number of times that a certain byte of the internal STM32(L0) EEPROM is written in the following situation?1 - The firmware writes a byte in EEPROM address 0x0808 0000. The code *(uint8_...

M F by Associate II
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STM32L1 Current consumption in Stop Mode

Posted on August 08, 2017 at 13:35I used CubeMX code generator,Internal Clock 4.194MHz MSI / ADC / LCD / RTC / TIM2 / TIM3 / USART1Before Stop Mode Enter,void Before_Stop_ST(void){ //--- LCD Off LCD_All_Display(0,1); HAL_LCD_MspDeInit(&hlcd); HAL_L...