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Forum Posts

What is RTC_CR.WUTIE for (STM32L476)?

Posted on March 21, 2017 at 23:41 I require a periodic wakeup from shutdown-mode. For that I found two recipes: AN4759 (table 7) and RM0351 (section 3.7). Essentially they provide the same info. Unfortunately it did not work until I tripped over ...

Digital input timing

Posted on September 27, 2017 at 11:43I work on a STM32F334 Nucleo board featuring the STM32F334R8 microcontroller.I have the need to check the value of the lowest 8 bits of two digital ports (only PC0-7 is used in this example) as quick as possible....

STM32L4 UART2 Management

Posted on September 22, 2017 at 11:09Good morning,In the application I'm developing, I'm controlling a transceiver by Microchip via UART2 port. I have several prototypes already working but I have some others (same hardware) that have some problems ...

STM32 controller selection-

Posted on September 27, 2017 at 09:08Hi,    I am newbie to STM32 controllers.I have to select controller as per following spects.1.Ethernet interface.2.USB interface 4G module3.SD card SPI interface.4.UART interface.6.i2c interface.I need to get dat...

Resolved! IWDG without reset

Posted on September 27, 2017 at 10:00Hi.I'm trying to implement such as watch dog program, and I know STM32 supports 2 kind of function.the name of IWDG and WWDG. But I just needed such as simple watch dog(under 40KHZ), so I just planned with IWDG.b...

Resolved! Correct OLED Hex file Conversion

Posted on September 18, 2017 at 08:43Hi Everyone,I'm using a OLED 256x64 , controlled by SSD1322 , i'm having problem to display images .... i tried a lot of converters like LCD Assistant , but no one works good.... i'm not able to find the correct ...

I2C communication issue using LL libraries

Posted on November 23, 2016 at 05:57Hello All, I'm struggling with I2C communication with L476 using LL libraries. In my custom board, a OV5642 camera is connected with I2C1 and a LSM6DS3 IMU with I2C3. Previously I've configured I2C RTC with L151 (...

rumlyen by Associate II
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What is tsc shield in CubeMX?

Posted on September 22, 2017 at 10:25 I am developing a touch program with STM32F051K8, but have a problem: What is tsc shield in CubeMX? And how to config? thx

Ricky S by Associate II
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