Posted on October 25, 2017 at 03:11STM32CubeL4 1.10 is listed on the website, but version 1.9.0 is inside the .zip file when downloaded.
Posted on October 25, 2017 at 03:11STM32CubeL4 1.10 is listed on the website, but version 1.9.0 is inside the .zip file when downloaded.
Posted on October 26, 2017 at 15:27I am working on STM32F2207ZG Nucleo board . I had used STMCUBEMX to create a project.with the help STM32Cube_FW_F2_V1.6.0 package STM3220G-EVAL application code LWIP_TCP_Echo_Client i can send a sting to the Echo t...
Posted on October 09, 2017 at 20:26Hello. In my project, I use the ADC configured in scan mode, as seen on this screenshot from STM32CubeMX:and the DMA configured as follows:The problem is that I can't get any data transferred from ADC to memory, wh...
Posted on October 25, 2017 at 11:43Hello everybody:I would like to multiply the outputs I get from TIM3_PWM (64KHz signal) and TIM4_PWM(8MHz signal) in order to get a new signal.The thing is that I don�t know how to do it and I�m pretty lost. By the...
Posted on October 26, 2017 at 11:19Hello:I have set my TIM4 in PWM mode to get a 8MHz signal.Now I need to get a 64KHz signal using the 8MHz signal, but I don�t know how to do it.Also, I will have to change the Duty of the 64KHz signal.Thank you in ...
Posted on January 03, 2017 at 18:47Hi there, recently I was making acustic spectrometer using STM32F4-Discover. In my project im making FFT with 'arm_math' libraries and then I need to send data to PC (with which I'll display it) via UART.After maki...
Posted on June 24, 2014 at 16:58Hello,I have a timer performing input capture on one channel. Can I set another channel OF THE SAME TIMER as an output with a frequency double of the captured input signal frequency?-------------I am not 100% clear on...
Posted on October 25, 2017 at 17:45Is there any way to determine programmatically what physical pins exist on a device? Or, somewhere within the HAL libraries where its defined?For example, the STM32F411 chip in the UFQFPN48 package only has the PC...
Posted on October 26, 2017 at 06:06 I'm looking at the STM32 provided Ethernet examples that use an RTOS and have the ethernetif_input function. The function is started as a task as below: static void low_level_init(struct netif *netif) { ...
Posted on August 15, 2017 at 05:00Hi,has anyone ever managed to send a standard CAN overload frame on an stm32?So far, I could only find error handling for incoming frames but no way to send one myself.#can #overload