2017-11-18 3:02 PM
I'm using a stm32f767ZI microcontroller on NUCLEO eval board in Keil uVision environment. I have huge problems with my first steps beacause of interrupts handling. I have some questions about it and I didnt find my answer in examples.
I expect the program to keep blinking an LED using Timer6 interrupt. This is where my problems begin.
My code:
#include 'stm32f7xx.h' // Device header
#include 'basic_timer.h' // External library (my own)
int diode;
int main ()
//***Advanced High Performance Bus enabled for TIM6
RCC -> APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM6EN;//***Timer6 counter value?
TIM6-> CNT |= 1;//Timer6 prescaler
TIM6 -> PSC |= 16000;//Timer overflow value:
TIM6 -> ARR |= 16000;//Interrupt Enable:
//***Below is the part that allow the acces to NVIC
// ***Clear previous interrupt
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(TIM6_DAC_IRQn);//*** Set interrupt priority NVIC_SetPriority(TIM6_DAC_IRQn, 1);// ***Enable interrupt NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM6_DAC_IRQn);//***End of NVIC
//Now the interrupt handling:
void TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler (void){ static int licznik; licznik++; if (licznik > 1000){ licznik = 0; if (diode== 1) diode = 0; else diode = 1; }}My questions are:
*Is my interrupt handling correct*Do i need to access NVIC with my clear enable etc commands?
//***Timer6 counter value
TIM6-> CNT |= 1): is that added value every tick ?
*Do i have to enable interrupts with '__enable_irq();' command?
2017-11-18 6:39 PM
Why not start from a nucleo timer board example from Cube?
Besides coding standard, declare a global variable (volatile) for your counter outside the interrupt function.
Did you enable/configure completely the timer?
Using the debugger will let you know if the timer registers looks good.
Put a breakpoint in the ISR to check the program indeed goes there...