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Icube_LRWAN ( End_node)

Posted on September 05, 2017 at 12:15Hello , i'm using murata's module CMWX1ZZabz including stm32l0,  with the provided lorawan_cube code , here is the lowpower_handler fontion, anyone has an idea how to control the MCU addition to that, t...

Kim ElQ by Associate II
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STM32F765 Ethernet stop working increasing MCU clock

Posted on September 01, 2017 at 17:37Hi All,     I am working on a custom board using the STM32F765.The ethernet peripheral is based on DP83620 connected in RMII. In my application the ethernet is working as the AHB clock is below 190MHz, then it st...

raffin by Associate III
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Cube generated PWM on TIM17 fails

Posted on September 01, 2017 at 01:09I'm using an stm32f303vc processor and generating code using STM32CUBEMX (4.22.0) to generate PWM1 signals on PB9 using TIM17 channel 1. I'm using HAL version 1.9.0.All indications are that the output is floating...

UART receive from ST-Link VCP not working

Posted on March 23, 2017 at 21:32Hi! I'm trying to send some data (or string or anything) from the computer to a Nucleo-64 board, with no luck at all. I can easily retarget the printf and is working perfectly, but it is receiving nothing from the co...