2016-05-05 6:14 AM
Is there an example for STM32F7 discovery board with IPV6 use? LWIP declares ipv6 compatibility, but in the application example in CUBEf7 library I don't find ipv6 code. Any ideas? Thanks2016-05-05 9:23 AM
It is an open source project, pull the code you need for your purposes. At this level none of the transport stuff is STM32 specific, seek generic examples, and apply.
2017-11-14 9:44 PM
Is that possible to configure stm32 via ipv6. cube has given the provision of ipv6 but in my case that is not working. Currently I generated code from stm cube for LWIP2.0.0 IPv6. I want to assign Ip to my stm32 Nucleo board via dhcp. for that i include lwip_ipv6 = 1 and lwip_ipv4 = 0. I got some address via ipv6 , but i couuldn't ping on that address. Please provide code for ipv6 on stm32.