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Hello,I have a working board with a STM32F429ZIT6, 144 pin MCU, which is fine.I also can update in the field, this MCU using the internal bootloader ( AN2606). However, I ve noticed something odd.During the bootloader (using stm32flash utility UART1 ...
Posted on November 06, 2017 at 17:03Hello, In my custom design am using a STM32F767BITx. Am using an output compare at 5Mghz to trigger the DMA2 and get data from a gpio Port, in circular mode.Am using the DMA_Stream2 and channel 7, DMA_PERIPH_TO_ME...
Posted on August 30, 2017 at 15:28Hi to all,Am working with a a custom board with a STM32F767BIT6 working at the highest speed possible. I am trying the simplest test on a GPIOH pin 8 :    for(;;){          {              GPIOH->BSRR = 0x00000100U; ...
Posted on April 25, 2017 at 08:58Hi to everyone,I am quite new to STM32, i am starting a new project with it. STM32 seems to be very powerful. However am facing something difficulties and am not sure on what I am doing.I am trying to implement the D...