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Forum Posts

Encoder mode both edges

Posted on March 31, 2016 at 17:02Hi to everybody!I need some help to correct this code. It seems to be correct, but it counts only 8 edges per cycle, while I need to take into account all the 16 edges that are avaiable (rising and falling, 4 sensors...

STM32F429 Discovery OverCurrent LED

Posted on November 07, 2014 at 23:26Hi everyone.I'm not sure what I did, but my F429 Discovery board is drawing way to much current. The overcurrent light (LD6) turns on when I supply the board with power and U8, which I believe is a power distribut...

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How wake up from I2C when I enter STOP mode?

Posted on December 07, 2017 at 05:59Thx for reading,I am using I2C of STM32L476, and have one Master , two Slave device.Slave1 will go into STOP mode, and need wake up by I2C.Slave2 not be polling by Master every 100ms.But after Slave1 into STOP mod...


STM32f373 SDADC multi channel error.

Posted on December 07, 2017 at 05:43Hi, I use 3channel of SDADC in injected mode.My error is SDADC value is saved anothor variables.SDADC1 result -> saved at SDADC2 variable.SDADC2 result -> saved at SDADC3 variable.SDADC3 result -> saved at SDADC1 ...

HAL_SPI_Receive never returns by timeout

Posted on December 06, 2017 at 23:27Hello everybody! I'm trying to implement some examples using the hal spi library in the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 (LoraWAN Discovery Board). This board has a STM32LO on it, and I'm trying to implement spi communication with ...

Boot Sequence Quiescence

Posted on December 06, 2017 at 20:28We need to know if, according to AN2606, STM processors require the other boot methods to be quiescent (inactive or dormant) in order not to lock up the system.To explain this issue, on another STM processor in th...

STM32F103 I2C problem with comunnication

Posted on December 06, 2017 at 18:27Hello. I configured stm32 PB11 and PB10 as SDA and SCL pins then i connected GY-30 BH1750 light sensor.It's address is 0x23 when ADDR pin connected  to GND.POWER_ON 0x01RESET 0x07BH1750_CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE 0x...