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Forum Posts

Trying to reduce motor noise. (STM32)

HII'm trying to reduce the noise of a high RPM motor with the library below. - STM32Cube function pack for acoustic echo cancellation - The subject is to reduce the noise of a high RPM motor wi...

moon1003 by Associate III
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sprintf with %f in interrupt handler creating problem

Dear all,i am facing very strange problem with sprintf function .i am using sprintf function in 1ms timer interrupt routine and it works fine. for example. void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { sprintf(uDisMsg, "%.1f", 258.6...

sanju by Senior
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STM32F427 PB14 conflict with internal USB PHY

Hi I am having the same problem as described in the old post down below.... is there a way to activate the link inside to see the fix? I am also using the external ULPI PHY, but when the USBD_Connect function executes, pin PB14 is lost. This is becas...

MBurg by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F415 DMA SPI transfer after stop mode

I am using SPI2 and SPI3 with DMA1 to write and read to/from peripheral chips. This works fine most of the time. At the same time I am using the stop mode to save power. Now in some cases just after leaving the stop mode, the next DMA transfer does n...

rkoehli by Associate II
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