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FatFS + sdCard + Usb device

Posted on November 23, 2015 at 10:05Hello there,I am using STM32F407 with HAL lib. I am looking for an example in the ''STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.7.0'' that would contain following functionality:FatFS system on a SD card using SDIO and that system should b...

Safe Testing of LoRa

Posted on December 26, 2017 at 03:42for a short term experiment, I need to transceive through 500M of bush, I ordered the 100mW and 1W units below.Is there a best practice guide for LoRa Power ?  I have my new

T J by Lead
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STM32f429 ( 144) , port PA0 input problem

Posted on December 26, 2017 at 09:00Hello we are using STM32f429 ( 144)  ,we use port PA0 as input without interrupt ; PA0 has an external pull up resistor ; we use the it on 168Mhz  with external crystal  8Mhz , but we noticed that we cant configur...

Uart / Usart: use Rx-pin only

Posted on December 22, 2017 at 16:34HiIs there an option to only use the Rx-pin of a uart / usart so that the Tx-pin can be used for something else (in my case SPI_SCK)?If I enable a uart / usart in STM32CubeMx and go to the 'Configuration' tab I ca...

Data even after reset

Posted on December 26, 2017 at 10:51Hello everyone,I wish to store a variable in flash memory untouched which will be changed only once but I can read or write it anytime I want, how is that possible? I do not wish to use the ROM unless there is no ...

STM32L4 USB host BulkSendData problem

Posted on December 26, 2017 at 17:21I'd like to know the correct prodecure of using BulkSendData in the ST USB driver. I've a problem with STM32L4 with code generated from CubeMX for USB host. I've connected to the USB port LTE modem which has CDC-A...

krestan by Associate II
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STM32F030R8T6 Programming Via UART

Posted on December 26, 2017 at 16:13Hello everyone .. I have an important question .. I am designing a circuit with this MCU and I want it to be programmed via UART lines .. So for this , as far as I read the reference manual , I need to put it to t...

BG1 by Senior
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