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Forum Posts

Flash corruption and write protection mechanism

Posted on March 25, 2016 at 09:45We are using STM32F405 in our product which is a controller. We have met strange problems reported by our customer but can't reproduce the phenomenon in our lab when taking the controller back from customer. The cont...

BSMX falling edge data not always available

I am working on an application using an STM32U5A5 nucleo board with four MEMs PDM output format microphones. The microphones are configured such that data is valid for the left channel on a rising clock edge and valid for the right channel on a falli...

jcmoreau by Associate II
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Resolved! Configuring STM32F439 timer to pulse at specific counts.

I wanted to use the STM32F439 timers, any of them but timer 8 seems to be the best one with my current peripherals, to act as a trigger source. Basically, the timer would drive a pin low, and at specific counts of the timer, drive the pin high for ~5...

EBDRS by Associate II
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HI, my application is a tcp echoserver which works perfectly but, only for 10-20 minutes, after don't ping anymore. I'm using STM32H723 with LWIP and RTOS and I think it's a memory configuration issue. This is my setup: void MPU_Config(void) { MPU...

Stefano1 by Associate
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Interfacing with BME280 problem

I recently have purchased a BME280 I2C sensor, which measures pressure, temperature, and humidity. I wanted to create a library for it to measure those variables. the problem is that the result (at least, the temperature measurement) is thro...

STM32 SPI HAL Error (Not Sending any data)

I'm using a NUCLEO-H563ZI and the STM32 HAL (generated by CubeMX) and there's no data (and no activity) on any of the SPI lines.I'm using SPI2 and it is configured as follows:   static void MX_SPI2_Init(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN SPI2_Init 0 */ ...

BenG_1-1718892054562.png BenG_0-1718892033174.png
BenG by Associate II
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Dual Boot Bank Swap Boot Loader is not working

I am experiencing an issue with the Dual Boot Bank Swap Boot Loader on my STM32G474RE microcontroller. I am able to run code for GPIO led Toggle in both flash memory banks by swapping the banks using SwitchBank function (executed once), but neither b...

Resolved! What is a good approach to measure the time it takes to receive each I2S sample when using DMA from a CODEC into my STMF446 when using interrupt callbacks?

Hi, in my current audio processing set up I have a CODEC set as master connected to my STM32F446RE (slave). The current configuration utilizes I2S DMA interrupt callbacks to handle the input and processing of these samples received. The CODEC receive...

AP.10 by Associate II
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