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Hi, I am trying to establish I2C communication b/w I2C1 and I2C2 on Stm32f4-discovery. I used CubeMx to generate code for standard mode with the following addresses.I2C1 = 0x5I2C2 = 0x7In the while (1) i added the following code.resp = HAL_I2C_Master...
Posted on April 24, 2018 at 12:30Hi, I am trying to configure USART3 on STM324-Discovery for asynchronous communication. As i am configuring U(S)ART so I imported USART HAL libraries not UART libraries. But when i program USART with HAL_Usart_init f...
Posted on February 13, 2018 at 20:13Hi,I have a very strange error while migrating from Standard Peripheral Libraries to HAL libraries. what I did was:1. I created new Keil project for STM32F407 Discovery.2. Added Device startup file (And CMSIS depe...
Posted on February 10, 2018 at 09:44Hi,I am trying to migrate from STM32 Standard peripheral libraries to HAL libraries. I have few queries here:1)   Can i use HAL libraries with Keil without first creating project in CubeMX? I just want to build my...