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Forum Posts

STM32Cube USB CDC Unknown USB Device

Posted on January 24, 2018 at 09:37im lost! im trying to create usb cdc in STM32F405RGthe only thing im doing is to configure usb_fs as device and the usb class as a communication device class than i generate a code in STM32CUBEMx when using STM32L4...

Ita Dab by Associate
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UART on CubeMX is too slow

Posted on May 08, 2018 at 02:15Hi,I am fairly new to stm32 boards and used the cubeMX program to speed up development for a project I am working on. However, I have found that when sending messages with UART it takes 50ms for each transmit. That see...

USB waveform abnormality

Posted on May 08, 2018 at 05:34Noise was applied to the board equipped with the STM32F302RC6, and the 0 potential level of USB_D + was raised. The applied point is not a USB terminal, and the USB cable is not connected yet. (The connection destinati...

INPUT CAPTURE for timer 3 and timer 13

Posted on May 07, 2018 at 20:54Hello, I have one input channel for timer. I notice PA6 either for TIM3-CH1 or TIM13-CH1. So it is possible to map pin for both of timers (3 and 13).  if I can do it, how to set them?Regards,

Resolved! ST Link does not work anymore!!!

Posted on May 07, 2018 at 20:19Hi.I was just programming my stm32f217 board via serial wire interface and everything was ok, but when I wanted to program once more the message ''No target connected''displayed and it didn't program my MCU anymore.But...


HAL I2C DMA Detect NAK (STM32F072)

Posted on May 07, 2018 at 23:02I am using HAL I2C to interface Cryptomemory (from ATMEL). Using I2C master transmit(HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_DMA), I need to differentiate the following two conditions of device,1. Send B4+ACK, 00+ACK, 00+ACK, 01+NAK2....

mtien888 by Associate II
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UART in STM32F407

Posted on May 02, 2018 at 17:24HelloI run into a stupid problem. I have a data that is sent by a device with bitrate115200. I need to read it with STM2F4. The data is five HEX numbers.I was trying to do this in different ways but I failed. I am read...

How DMA Transmit works ?

Posted on May 06, 2018 at 19:01Hallo everyone i have a i know the DMA receives Data und when it reaches the Bytes the i have determined it makes interrupt so this is usefull because the cpu doesn't wait the UART slow connection to finis...